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average rating is 4.6 out of 5

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4.6 | 7 Ratings

Anahita Khademi

Age Group: undefined

English Proficiency: Beginner


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Duration: undefined | Price: 13 CAD

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Maryam: Mrs Anahita is the most caring teacher. She is very knowledgable and humble. She won't give up on you and won't stop till she is sure you learn and excel . I started python with her not knowing anything about python when I signed up for college class for python at the same time. Mrs Khademi guided me step by step to every concepts and thought me all the subjects . She has to adapt to my courses that were fast paced and difficult. She cared about me doing well at my course and accommodated me on late nights to get me ready for tests. Now when I go back to the course, I can't believe things that were so hard , it's easy for me now. She is very intelligent and knows a lot.. I ended with 100% grade on my final test at college because of all her help. She is also very pleasant to work with. She encourages you and never looses patience or never judges you. She is all support from the beginning to the end. I highly recommend her.

Vahid: I recommend Ms. Khademi. her ability to create visually captivating and engaging presentations is exceptional.

بهاره: طى چند جلسه كلاسى كه پسر من با خانم خادمى داشتن هميشه بسيار با اشتياق به سر كلاس رفته و از كلاس و پروژه ها خيلى لذت ميبره و خوشحال هست  ايشان بسيار با حوصله به تمام سوالهاى پسرم جواب ميده و جو بسيار دوستانه اى در كلاسشون دارن.

Layla: Anahita is a very dedicated instructor who is very patient and kind with kids.  I have 2 Childs (10 y.o and 6 y.o) who have been taking coding classes with her. She is always on time, prepared and fun for every class.  I highly recommend her and give her 5 Stars.  Thank you Anahita as my children love taking classes with you.

افتخار: آناهيتا استاد فرهيخته، كوشا  و قابل ستايش است. من بعنوان دانشجوى مهندسى سافت ور از تدريس ايشان بسيار رضايت دارم.

نرگس: آناجون خيلى با صبورى تدريس ميكنند و سيلابس مناسبى براى نحوه تدريس دارند. من در سيستم تدريس ايشون، مشاركت دادن دانشجو در حين تدريس را يكى از نقاط قوت تدريس ايشون ميدونم.


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